Sunday, February 5, 2012

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

The proper goal-oriented evaluation of a man proactive and complaining of
erectile dysfunction requires a sympatheticallyelicited history, a focused
physical examination and various carefully selected special investigations.


To obtain a clear history, it is important that the patient himself
understands the distinction between loss of libido, erectiledysfunction and
ejaculatory disturbance. This often may require some preliminary explanation.
The onset, consistency andseverity of the complaint need to be established.
Recently, the development of self-administered symptom scores by O'Learyand
colleagues (Table I, see Appendix, page 41) and Rosen and colleagues (Table II,
see Appendix, page 43) have facilitatedquantitative history-taking for
erectile dysfunction.

Because sexual function is intimately related to the appropriate response of
the sexual partner, tactful enquiries need to bemade concerning previous and
on-going relationships, and the attitude of the partner towards the problem.
Underlyingrelationship problems are a common cause of erectile dysfunction,
and this possibility needs to be tactfully explored in allcases. Although,
by tradition, the question concerning the presence or absence of early morning
erections has been proposedas a means to distinguish between psychogenic and
organic erectile dysfunction, the value of this enquiry has recently
beenquestioned. Many normal individuals do not regularly wake up with early
morning erections, although the presence of apositive history of a firm
erection on waking would make organic erectile dysfunction less likely. Although
these symptomscores are admirable in their own way, they in fact tend to
focus on the functional component of erectile dysfunction ratherthan its
impact on the quality of life of the sufferer. This issue has recently been
addressed by Wagner and colleagues, whohave attempted to quantify the impact
of erectile dysfunction on the sufferer (Table III, see Appendix, page 46).

A careful drug history is particularly important as a considerable number of
pharmacological agents are associated with thedevelopment of erectile
dysfunction. Most potent in this respect are the agents used in the treatment of
prostate cancer, suchas LHRH analogues, which cause loss of libido and
erectile dysfunction. Many other agents have less profound, but none theless
significant, effects. Some of the more commonly encountered compounds implicated
are listed in Table 6.Antihypertensive agents, such as P-blockers and
thiazide diuretics, are the most commonly implicated agents.
Antidepressants,especially monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic
compounds, are also common causes of erectile dysfunction. Serotoninreuptake
inhibitors may not only cause erectile dysfunction, but also retard

The question of smoking and alcohol intake needs to be addressed. William
Shakespeare himself noted that alcoholincreases the desire, but diminishes
sexual performance. Smoking should be strongly discouraged and, in some cases,
the useof skin patches containing nicotine suggested.

Specific enquiry should be made concerning concomitant conditions,
particularly those affecting the vascular orneurological systems such as
angina, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, renal

Table 6 Drugs associated with erectile dysfunctionMajor tranquilizers

phenothiazines, e.g. fluphenazinechlorpromazine, promazine,
mesoridazinebutyrophenones, e.g. haloperidolthioxanthenes, e.g.

tricyclics, e.g. nortriptyline, amitriptyline,

calcium antagonistsdesipramine, doxepin


diuretics, e.g. thiazides, spironolactonevasodilators, e.g.
hydralazinecentral sympatholytics, e.g. methyldopa,clonidine,

ganglion blockers, e.g. guanethidine, bethanidineP-blockers, e.g.
propranolol, metoprolol, atenolol

ACE inhibitors




Various forms of pelvic surgery, particularly radical prostatectomy,
cystoprostatectomy and abdominoperineal resection, are allstrongly
associated with subsequent erectile dysfunction.


Reactive or endogenous depression is strongly associated with erectile
dysfunction: nearly 90% of severely depressed menreport complete impotence.
Treatment with antidepressants may sometimes improve the situation, although
both monoamineoxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants may in
themselves cause erectile dysfunction. Selective serotonin
reuptakeinhibitors, such as fluoxetine (Prozac®) may not only cause erectile
dysfunction, but may also retard ejaculation.

Risk factors for erectile dysfunction

Risk factors for erectile dysfunction

Risk factors for organic erectile dysfunction (see Table 1, page 20) mainly
stem from the fact that the erectile mechanism is avasodilatory response
dependent on smooth muscle function under neurogenic control. Aging, which has
the strongestassociation with erectile dysfunction, probably exerts its
effects mainly through impaired vasodilatory and venoocclusivemechanisms.
Atheroma of the internal iliac arteries and their pudendal branches may be one
factor, but age-relateddegeneration of intracorporeal smooth muscle
mechanisms is probably more important. Venous leakage, another
age-relatedphenomenon, may in itself be a manifestation of deterioration of
intracorporeal smooth muscle function.


This disease is an important risk factor for erectile dysfunction. Damage to
small blood vessels is the main etiology and,therefore, erectile dysfunction
often occurs in association with diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic peripheral
autonomic neuropathyis a further contributory factor. Erectile dysfunction
may develop as a result of the progressive loss of small unmyelinated
so-called C fibers secondary to diabetes. Several groups have reported that
diabetes is associated with loss of NO synthase fromNANC nerve endings and
endothelial cells in the corpora. This may explain the pathophysiological basis
of the erectiledysfunction that so commonly accompanies diabetes.


This is frequently associated with erectile dysfunction. Approximately
one-third of men beyond middle age have a diastolicblood pressure >90
mmHg. Hypertension causes damage to small blood vessels and this may adversely
affect intracorporealvasodilatory mechanisms. Moreover, many of the agents
used to control hypertension, especially P-blockers and diuretics,
areassociated with the development of erectile dysfunction. It has been
postulated that, because high intracorporeal pressures arerequired to
produce penile rigidity, the reduction of blood pressure by any agent is likely
to increase the incidence of erectiledysfunction. However, a-blockers,
perhaps through the induction of intracorporeal vasodilatation, appear to
enhance erection,while still lowering both systolic and diastolic blood


This disease often occurs in association with hypertension and is also a
cause of damage to the peripheral vascular system.Hypercholesterolemia and
elevated serum triglyceride levels are both also associated with erectile


Although there have been few epidemiological studies to confirm this, it
appears likely that heavy smoking is associated witherectile dysfunction
because of its deleterious effects on blood vessels and its action leading to an
increase of plateletstickiness.


Fibrosis developing in the corpora albuginea may result in permanent scarring
and consequent deformity of erection. Whenthe fibrosis is severe (Figure
38), penetrative intercourse may be impossible. As a result of the loss of
tunica elasticity, Peyronie'sdisease may also be associated with venous
leak-induced erectile dysfunction.